Research Activity


Examining the developmental significance of teacher relationships for underrepresented students in math and science.
 Math and science literacy represents the “new civil rights battleground” (Ladson-Billings, 1997 p.698). A growing body of literature points to the critical role teachers serve as sources of students’ expectations and valuing of math. In this new line of inquiry, I designed several projects (e.g. cross-sectional, longitudinal) to explore the nature of perceived teacher ‘warmth’ and ‘demand’ in mathematics classrooms.

  • Exploring minority first grade children’s perceptions of teacher differential behaviors a math motivation and achievement.
  • Longitudinal examination of the intersection of ethnicity, gender, first generation status and perceived support on science motivation.  With Dr. Jessica DeCuir-Gunby and the NCSU-STEM Early College High School.
  • English Language Learners in Mainstream Classrooms: Understanding the Impact of Science Teachers’ Use of Instructional Conversations and Immediacy Behaviors in Promoting Language Acquisition, Science Motivation and Achievement.  With Brady Kocher, Administrator, East Wake Middle School

Exploring Teachers’ Identities, Beliefs, and Decision-Making.
 Collaborative project exploring the ways in which teachers use classroom problems to construct their identities and make decisions based on their beliefs about themselves and their students in collaboration with Drs. Carey E. Andrzejewski, University of Auburn and Mei-Lin Chang, Emory University.

  • Practicing Teachers Pedagogical Decision Making Regarding Classroom Touch. With Dr. Carey Andrzejewski
  • Understanding Staff Perceptions of World Language Programs & Curriculum. With Hannah C. Baggett.

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